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A World of Aromatherapy Your Guide to Essential Oils

When people think of aromatherapy, one of the first aspects to come to mind are the essential oils. Extracted from various parts of plants, aromatherapy essential oils have a myriad of uses. Many possess various medicinal qualities from helping to treat acne to the ability to boost your immune system.

They can also be used in aromatherapy diffusers and aromatherapy oil burners to fill a room with the essence of the original plant. The plant's essence molecules are approximately 75-100 times more concentrated as an essential oil than in the dried plant. In aromatherapy it is held that simply inhaling an essential oil elicits an immediate olfactory response and provides for ready absorption in the bloodstream. Aromatherapy Essential Oils Essential oils are the most common form of aromatherapy because they are so versatile. You can use them in an aroma lamp or add a few drops to your bath water or shampoo. However, they are great for bath products.

You can create bath salts, natural perfumes, massage oils and many other all natural aromatherapy products. What is aromatherapy used for? Aromatherapy may promote relaxation and help relieve stress. It has also been used to treat a wide range of physical and mental conditions, including burns, infections, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

However, so far there is little scientific evidence to support claims that aromatherapy effectively prevents or cures illness. Aromatherapy provides health and body care on a completely natural basis, and the subtle qualities of the oils lend themselves best to a gradual experience. Always mix essential oils in glass, porcelain or aluminum bottles as the oil will react with plastic. Essential oils are very concentrated substances and should be diluted before applying them to the skin. Add about 12-15 drops of essential oil to one ounce of carrier oil, such as jojoba oil and shake to blend.

Add & mix 3-5 drops of essential oil to a bowl of warm or cool water. Soak a wash cloth, wring and apply. Dream Time Stress Relief Products: Help your body and mind rejuvenate, encouraging both physical and emotional wellbeing.

These products are designed to remind and encourage you to relax, nurture and take care of yourself. Choose from aromatherapy neck rolls, spa blankets, hand and foot cozys, spa slippers, soothing eye pillows and body wraps. These Aromatherapy Products offer heat therapy, cold therapy and buckwheat therapy. Relax, take some time for yourself, with these amazing stress relief products!.

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