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Designer Handbags
Burberry for Dogs?
by: Natacha Bunzl
Burberry is one of the world's famous designer brands. But branded
trenchcoats and sweaters for dogs? A thought that may make you
raise your eyebrows!
today's designer fashion selling out? Despite what you might
think, high-class designer labels also cater for your pets nowadays
as does British luxury label Burberry who has just released
their own collection of Burberry clothing for dogs. Most notable
features are the famous Burberry trenchcoat for dogs as well
as the Check sweater and Burberry dog leash.
Where did this trend start? The origins of dog clothing most
probably came from England due to its damp and cold climate,
it was very easy for smaller dogs to catch colds when they were
taken out. So for a while it was not uncommon to find small
dogs dressed in cover-up "raincoats" and sausaged
in small waterproof capes.
But the idea of actually dressing your dog and providing them
with a wardrobe only came up recently. Sparked by such celebrities
as Paris Hilton and her pet chihuahua Tinkerbell as well as
the successful Hollywood movie 'Legally Blonde', dressing your
dog up has become the ultimate in fashion and accesorizing.
>From an alligator-skin dog collar and leash set to an elegant
Burberry trench coat for dogs, shoes, t-shirts, hats and more
you can find just about everything you wear yourself in 'dog
sizes'. Bloomingdale's, Neiman-Marcus, Gucci, Louis Vuitton,
all the biggest names in fashion have pawed their way into the
very lucrative pet-accessories market, an industry that gathered
an estimated $8 billion during 2004.
Though Burberry aren't the only designer label to release their
own dog clothing collection, Burberry for dogs is definitely
the collection with the most fashion credibility if you consider
that as well as being English, and therefore well accustomed
to bad weather, Thomas Burberry's initial success was for outdoor
wear, trenchcoats and sweaters. Read more about Thomas Burberry.
So if you are looking to dress your dog up, think of Burberry
for dogs, with their trenchcoats, leashes and custom-made sweaters,
your dog will always keep warm whilst looking elegant and refined
just like Burberry clothes make you feel when you wear them.
It's a sweet way of extending your love for fashion to your
Unfortunately, Burberry clothing for dogs are a little pricey
with the Check sweater for dogs selling at $155 and only available
from select Burberry stores. But why not coordinate and shop
for a Burberry mesh hat, handbag or sweater for yourself online?
Shops like Bluefly.com and Ashford.com sell authentic Burberry
clothing and accessories at lower prices than in real shops.
Happy Shopping!
About The Author
Natacha Bunzl writes for best fashion shopping site Indelibles.com
whose aim is to enhance your designer shopping experience.
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