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History Silicone Bracelets

Silicone bracelets were designed and released into the market by the Lance Armstrong Foundation, founded in 1997 by the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong. The silicone bracelets were sold for a fund-raising event and were quite a hit, gaining popularity around the globe very quickly. Lance Armstrong, one of top most cyclists had to drop out of the track for a couple of years since he was suffering from cancer. After he survived the terrible ordeal he started the Armstrong Foundation with the aim to spread cancer awareness .When Lance Armstrong came back on the sports arena after battling with cancer, he was seen sporting the "Livestrong wristband" which was a simple yellow coloured silicone wristband with the simple message" Livestrong".

The yellow "Livestrong" silicone wristband was named after the Lance Armstrong Foundation's education program and colored to match Lance Armstrong's cycling jersey. This was his way of encouraging cancer victims and survivors to battle out this disease with a positive attitude. The band raised awareness amongst the people about cancer and its effects. So, Lance Armstrong Foundation in cooperation with Nike came forward with the "Wear Yellow Live Strong" educational program, intended to raise money for cancer research, raise awareness about cancer and encourage people to live life to the fullest.

Other charities were inspired by the success and spread of awareness by the Livestrong bracelets, so they developed their own wristbands for raising money and awareness. Within US and Internationally also, silicone bracelets gained popularity as an awareness bracelet. Slowly manufacturers realised its potential and started marketing it in unique and innovative ways like fashion accessory, party gifts etc Silicone Wristbands are now available in many colors, each color promoting awareness for various causes like breast cancer (pink), diabetes (various colors) and epilepsy (blue and red). The "Livestrong Wristbands" have inspired numerous other charities and non profitable organisations to spread awareness though silicone bracelets The original Livestrong Silicone wrist bands can be purchased directly from the Lance Armstrong Foundation with the money going towards the various awareness programs setup by the Foundation. The original Livestrong Silicone wrist bands can also be bought from other suppliers, but the thing that should be kept in mind is that the proceeds from the sale may not be going for a charitable cause and the supplier is making a profit, cashing on the "Livestrong" brand. So, it's always advisable to buy the original Livestrong Silicone bracelets from the Lance Armstrong Foundation only.

Jason Uvios writes about on History - Silicone Bracelets to visit :- custom silicone wristband, cheap silicone wristband and buy a silicone wristband

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