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How To Enhance Your Natural Beauty With The Proper Application Of Makeup

Many people today are turning to cosmetic surgery as a fast way to get a desired look instead of taking steps to enhance the natural beauty they already possess. The fact of the matter is that it is much less expensive and less painful to takes steps to enhance what you already have. This is not something for a select few, all women have there own degree of beauty and it is crucial that you think about enhancing the features you already have.

There is hardly anything that one can do that will make a statement as much as enhancing the beauty of your eyes, almost everyone looks at the eyes first and nearly everyone will comment on a beautiful pair of eyes. You can choose to go with an exotic look that really draws attention or just a moderate eye shadow, but either choice will make others sit up and take notice and draw attention to your eyes. Adding mascara to the eye lashes is one method that many women use to add to the beauty of their eyes, especially women who have short or light colored lashes. The process can be messy and can also increase the risk of infection in the eyes. Another alternative to this process is the addition of extensions to the eyelashes that are made of lightweight, synthetic material and look just like real eyelashes. The application of the right color of eye shadow can go a long way to bringing out the beauty of the eyes.

Contrary to what many women think and practice, the eye shadow does not have to be super dark and usually a lighter color will be more attractive and complimentary to the eye. You can use an eye shadow that matches the color of your skin under the eyes to cover any dark circles that you may have. Next to the eyes, the lips also attract a lot of attention and you don't have to have lips like Angelina Jolie to take advantage of this. There are new lip gloss products available today that make the lips look moist and beautiful. Be sure that the lipstick or lip gloss product that you wear also contains sunscreen since the lips have no melatonin to protect themselves from the sun.

Lip liner is another product that can really make your lips stand out and look more full and thick. Using the right skin care products to keep your skin looking youthful can help immensely with the overall look you are trying to create. There are many products today that can reduce wrinkles as well as the signs of aging.

You should also practice exfoliation on a regular basis to rid of your skin of the dead cells that accumulate. By following these practices and using facial creams that contain parelastin you can keep your skin supple and reduce sagging that can occur with aging.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Beauty Supply Products at

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