Laser is attracted to dark pigment and therefore works best with dark coarse hair. Laser hair removal is the newest weapon in the hair removal arsenal. Laser Hair Removal works by selectively concentrating light energy in the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unchanged.
Hair color and skin type are the key factors that influence the success of laser hair removal. It's most successful on people with dark hair (brown or black) and light skin. However, it can also be used on people with darker skin types. Laser hair removal has become extremely popular because of its speed and efficacy, although some of the efficacy is dependent upon the skill and experience of the laser operator, and the choice and availability of different laser technology at the clinic which is performing the procedure. Laser Hair removal can be performed on any area of the face or body and is faster and easier than other methods of hair removal. Laser hair removal is effective only on short, apparentable hair.
Two to three days before the procedure, you shave the area to be treated, and allow it to grow to a stubble. Avoid waxing or plucking the hair and electrolysis three weeks before treatment. Laser hair removal is not for everyone.
The absolute requirement is that one's hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Several wavelengths of laser energy have been used for hair removal, from visible light to near-infrared radiation. Hair removal lasers are effective treatment for pseudofolliculitis barbae. Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Laser hair removal, generally average about $500 per treatment session.
Laser hair removal, like any procedure, is not without danger, but undergoing treatment with a reputable clinic will greatly decrease your chances of burning or skin discoloration. Use of large quantities of high potency topical anesthetics to large surface areas of the skin, particularly when applied under occlusion, such as under plastic wrap, may result in lidocaine toxicity and resulting arrhythmias, and is contraindicated. Other risks include the chance of burning the skin or discoloring dark skin with the laser, hypopigmentation (white spots), and flare of acne. After the laser hair removal, no medications or bandages are necessary.
After the laser hair removal avoid exposure to the sun for several weeks after treatment.
Juliet Cohen writes articles for skin care blog and hairstyles picture. She also writes articles for celebrity hairstyles.