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Lipsense Diamond Collection

In the glittering world of colors, it is time for ladies on the go with modernity to glitter and sizzle. It is made possible by the senegence cosmetics with their lipsense beauty collection. Lipsense having already lot of great reviews from the expert cosmeticians for its unbound performance, for long lasting, soothing, free from smudging as come up with diamond collections. This is the collection of colors that makes ladies glitter like diamond with look of diamond that is timeless. Diamond collection douse lips in decadent style which is glamorous indulgence.

This beautiful collection has stunning combinations of shades from lipsense The elegant diamond collection has combination of moisturizing glosses and shades in a formula which is patented to senegence. Company claims diamond colors to be made of diamond dust in real for offering stunning colors. This combination lets women jewel their lips in diamond. Buying of any product is not that important, its importance in reality lies the way you use it.

Usage in cosmetic world refers to how you apply them and beautify the cute faces. LipSense expert give some tips of diamond collection applications. First keep in mind liquid lip colors should be applied for cleaning of dried lips.

Taking the lipsense, should be well shaken, apply it from the lower lip outer corner and move the color in the same direction. This process is repeated for the upper lip also. Then taking the lipsense liquid color, it should be applied from the longer length of the applicator. Apply it at the corner of the mouth and always be sure that you are supposed to keep lips apart when applying.

But it will be hard to resist the urge of pressing together both lips. While applying, natural shapes of the lips should be followed for the naturality in the make up for added beauty. Lipsense diamond collections have the quality when applied with the technique of layering. For staying of the glitter for maximum amount three layers are recommended. Each layer should be given a break of some seconds before taking up the next layer. In the third layer, you can use lipsense shimmer or the highlighter for the color.

Different custom shades can be created on own by applying different shades at every layer. But you should be generous to apply moisturizing gloss for subsiding the tingling or the burning feeling in case immediately. After the whole process is complete press lips together, enjoy their beauty of long lasting with a cute sparkling smile.

Read more on Lipsense and Senegence lipsense .

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