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Taking Care of Acne Prone Skin

Acne is not confined to teenagers and puberty, it also prevalent in adults and in women mostly during pregnancy. Acne is often characterized by pimples and breakouts all over the skin in large numbers, frequently seen on the face and the back. It is caused due to the over activity of the sebaceous glands or the oil producing glands. When it combines with dead skin cells, hormones and bacteria, the oily substances are trapped inside the pores and causes swelling. The lumps often have a crown of a white head or a black head or even red lumps, which are very tender. Acne, if not treated on time, can even lead to scarring.

Some acne go so deep inside the skin that they form into nodules and cysts, which leaves scars which may not disappear even after healing. Acne can be caused due to stress, fatigue, and cosmetics and even due to humidity, although nothing has been proved till date. Do's and Don'ts on the acne prone skin: Professional treatment is the best for acne, the earlier the treatment provided, the better.

A good doctor will be in a position to treat acne-using medications by controlling the over-active sebaceous glands, hormonal imbalance, or even stress. It is good not to squeeze or break the pimples and acne, as it will lead to spread the infection and can make the area swell and might even lead to permanent scarring. Usage of oily cosmetics are also not recommended, as the acne prone skin already is oily enough, usage of such cosmetics will add up to it. Instead of using oily cosmetics, it is better to go for water based ones, which might be less harsh. It is always good to remove make up at night, if left on the whole night might cause irritation to the skin. The acne prone skin should be pampered with gentle wash and pat dry.

Vigorous scrubbing needs to be avoided as it only worsens the condition and may even block the pores. Regular shampooing is recommended as it may reduce the pimple appearing on the forehead, it is good to avoid hair products like gels and pomades, as they are oily. Cosmetics which are non comedogenic should be used. Acnes sometimes can make the skin hypersensitive, hence sunscreens can be used to avoid sunburns. It is good to avoid tanning, as it cannot make the skin clearer.

Over-the-counter products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can curb mild acne.

Subasree contributes regularly to" which has several informative articles on acne.

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