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What Causes Skin Wrinkles

As we age, changes naturally take place in the skin. The cells of the body divide more slowly, including the skin cells. The inner layers of the skin become thinner and the fat cells under the surface of the skin begin to shrink. The skin begins to lose its ability to retain moisture. In addition, the skin looses its elasticity.

This is the ability of the skin to return to its original shape. The loss of elasticity contributes to the sagging of the skin. Aging is not the only cause of wrinkles.

There are factors related to lifestyle that can contribute to wrinkling. This is sometimes referred to as premature aging of the skin. Smoking is one habit that can contribute to premature aging of the skin. Smoking causes the production of more free radicals.

This accelerates the aging of the skin. Anti aging creams that contain antioxidants can help scavenge free radicals. These are more effective if you quit smoking. One of the most notorious of all lifestyle causes of wrinkles is spending too much time in the sun.

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is said to be the cause of up to ninety percent of premature aging of the skin. The effects of sun exposure on the skin can be seen in people as young as in their twenties when they spend excessive amounts of time in the sun. Even a small amount of exposure can have a negative effect over time.

Ultraviolet radiation damages the collagen fibers in the skin. The damage of these fibers affects the elasticity of the skin. This causes stretching of the skin and results in the skin not having the ability to return to its original shape. The result is sagging and wrinkles. In addition, overexposure to ultraviolet radiation causes an over production of free radicals, which contribute to wrinkling and aging of the skin. Pollution may contribute to premature aging of the skin.

Ozone in the air is the result of industrial pollution in our environment. The ozone is damaging to the skin. It causes the loss of vitamin E.

This antioxidant is important in binding free radicals, which can cause damage to the skin. Anti aging cream can help provide a barrier and protect the skin from the negative effects of ozone and other pollutants. There are many emotional effects that are common with wrinkling. Aging impacts self esteem and makes people feel old. The effects of aging can have financial consequences as well.

In our society, youth is valued. Although there are laws against age related discrimination, it still exists in our work place. This can affect careers and opportunities for advancement in the work place. In an effort to avoid the social stigma attached to aging, people spend billions of dollars on skin care products and anti wrinkle creams.

Anti aging creams can be effective in minimizing wrinkles and preventing new wrinkles. It's important to choose the best anti aging products for your skin. Reading reviews of anti aging creams can help you make the best choice and find the right products for your skin type. Choose high quality products to get the best results.

Brian Dolezal is a contributing editor for, a leading provider of independent reviews and rankings for hundreds of consumer products. You can find out how top anti-aging creams compare by visiting today.

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